Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Important Things You Must Know About Teenage Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be the best thing happen to a woman. However, it can be a matter of concern if it will happen at a teenage stage, as the body of a teenage girl is not prepared to conceive. The records suggest that 16% of the total pregnancy cases in India are related to teenage pregnancy. In addition, it has been also found that 9% of the total maternal deaths are happen due to the teenage pregnancies especially while doing the abortion. In this post, I am going to discuss few things that are related to teenage pregnancy.
PregnancyAbortion in India is still a hush issue and especially if it is a case of teenager then it will be a more serious matter. A lot of risk is associated with the teenage pregnancy especially the physical risks. It is a fact that most of the teens that have to gone through the abortion process face more mental and physical risks than grown ups. The teenagers have to experience cervical lacerations twice more than of the older woman as their cervixes are smaller than of others. The teenagers usually also faces more risk of haemorrhage and shock than older women.
Mostly the teenagers are open to the risks of getting infection on the post abortion phase such as pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID) and endometritis (inflammation of the uterus). The main reason behind the teenagers to be infected more, as the hormone pathogen is not produced in within them as like of the older women, which helps them to stay uninfected from sexual diseases. In addition the teenagers who has to go through the abortion process might suffer from the risk such as infertility, ectopic or tubal pregnancy etc. they can also suffer premature birth or miscarriage in future pregnancy issues.
It is not only limited to the physical issues but also it affects the teen mentally and psychologically. Primary and mostly the girl suffered from the deterioration of self-conceptualisation. The change in the body creates problem related to sleep, appetite and severe sexual commotion. As a result of suffering from the huge loss it affect the motivation for the girl. The impact of the incident creates a deep impact on the mentality of the person and can create differences between the interpersonal relationships.
Psychiatrists say that after aborting, teenagers felt a deep sense of guilt and goes through anxiety. Even in case of some patients the suicidal tendencies is also being seen due to the depression caused by termination of the pregnancy.
A renowned physician mentioned that wrong process of contraception is a bigger problem in case of the teenage pregnancy. Another problem is the consumption of the oral contraption, taking which can lead to a disturbed menstrual cycle. The unmarried especially the teenage girls are mostly found to use the non-prescribed drugs a they found it awkward to ask for the prescribed drugs. However, doctors put it through that without any kind of medical supervision going for aborting can be highly dangerous. If the pill is taken after the seven months of pregnancy, it can lead even to the deaths.
In case of teenage pregnancy especially in case of the unmarried girls, the parents must react in a mature manner. However, it has been seen that most of the parents get completely furious on their child. One of renowned psychiatrists has pointed out that the parents must take the situation with utter sincerity and must make the children understand the impact of the pregnancy termination in the teenage. The parental guidance is a very valuable matter in this aspect and can prevent any kind of accidents. The parents must sensibly react to the questions of their teenager children regarding the different aspect of pregnancy, as it will help them to communicate in a much better way. It is important that the parents make sure that their children must know the way to protect themselves.
I have tried to put certain important things related to teenage pregnancy and termination of the pregnancy. The post has included the different psychological and physical impact of pregnancy on the teenagers. It also includes that how the parents must behave in such conditions if they got to know that their daughter is pregnant. So it is important for the parents especially to guide their children in order to avoid the unwanted pregnancy.

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